Friday, March 7, 2008


2008 has been crazy!

I have not posted in quite a while and I plan to make an effort to blog more. As most of you know, Ryan is going back to school to get his MBA. Thus, "WE" worked on "HIS" application. I guess this is acceptable and does't classify as "doing his work for him." Anyway, during the process, I took on the task of essay writing. LOVE IT! We talked about what he wanted to say and then I wrote some drafts which I passed on to him to "make his own."

The next day, I have emails popping up entitled "Arduous" and "Assiduous" - it seems, no one in his group (of 5 people) at work knew these and thus were looking them up in order to replace them with in the essays. They want to know how to get a larger vocabulary. The only answer I had was READ. For the past five (5) years, I have read a book every one to two weeks. Speaking of which, I have been ordering my books off this site I found for ABE BOOKS. You can get a book for $1 or so and only pay shipping or pay as low as $3.99 with free shipping~ CHECK IT OUT!!!!

Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin arduus high, steep, difficult; akin to Old Irish ard high
Date: 1538
1 a: hard to accomplish or achieve : difficult b: marked by great labor or effort : strenuous
2: hard to climb : steep
synonyms see hard
— ar·du·ous·ly adverb
— ar·du·ous·ness noun

Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin assiduus, from assidēre
Date: 1622
: marked by careful unremitting attention or persistent application
synonyms see busy
— as·sid·u·ous·ly adverb
— as·sid·u·ous·ness noun

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